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Dvorak Keyboard Typing On Your  computer in 30 Seconds

You can buy a keyboard with Dvorak wired in, but the easiest way is to use the software you already have, making it free, and able to switch back and forth. This can also be set as an instant quick change hotkey, to change between different users with 2 keystrokes, see below.

When you use these directions, all programs you run will automatically use the Dvorak keyboard. 

The Dvorak layout is part of most operating systems, or has a Dvorak conversion. Windows, (all versions) Apple Macintosh OS, Linux, Os/2, OS/Warp, Emacs, BeOS, NeXt, Amega, Unix, SGI, MS-DOS, even Commodore 64!

Directions for:

Windows (all versions)  3.1 to XP, Vista

Apple Macintosh


If you are working at a ‘dumb’ terminal, with no software support, see if your system or network administrator can (or will) help you.  If not, see hardwired keyboards, in resource section.  (Resource for Dvorak typing)

Windows 3.1 - XP, Vista

Windows 3.1

1.  Go to the Control Panel.

2.  Select ‘International’.

3.  Select ‘Country = US’.

4.  Select ‘Language = English (American)’.

5.  Select ‘Keyboard = US Dvorak’.

The first time you do this, you may be asked to insert one of the installation disks that came with your computer, or Windows.


Windows 95, 98

From the desk top:

1.  Double click ‘My Computer’

2.  Double click ‘Control panel’

3.  Double click ‘Keyboard’

4.  Select ‘Language’ tab; click ‘Properties’ button

5.  Select ‘US Dvorak’ for keyboard layout

6.  Click ‘OK’

7.  Click ‘OK’ again. Use installation disk, if asked.

Switch instantly between Dvorak and Qwerty with only 2 keystrokes, useful for sharing machines with different users. (For Windows 95, 98). Download utility at: http://clabs.org/dvorak.htm

Windows NT, 2000

From the desk top:

    1. Double click ‘My Computer’

    2. Double click ‘Control panel’

    3. Double click ‘Keyboard’

    4. Click ‘Input locales’

    5. Click ‘properties’

    6. Select ‘US Dvorak’

    7. Click ‘OK’

    8. Click ‘Apply’. Use installation disk, if asked.

Windows XP

(There are about 4 versions of XP, yours may be slightly different)

    1. Click Start

    2. Click Control Panel

    3. Click Regional and Language

    4. Click Language Tab

    5. Click Details

    6. Click Add

    7. Select United States Dvorak

    8. In Input language, Select U. S. Dvorak

    9. Click OK

    10. Click Ok   After doing the above, you can, as below,

 Switch instantly between Dvorak and Qwerty in XP with 2 mouse clicks on a keyboard icon on the bottom right of your screen, useful for sharing a machine between different users,  using these directions: 

  1. Click Start (on bottom left of screen)
  2. Click Control Panel
  3. Click Regional and Language options
  4. Click Language tab
  5. Click Details button
  6. Click Language Bar button
  7. On Show the Language Bar on the Desktop, click a check mark in the check box
  8. Click OK
  9. Click OK

Now, by moving the mouse pointer on the bottom right of your screen, a small keyboard icon will appear, click it, and a choice of Dvorak will appear. Click on either United States- Dvorak or English (United States) (qwerty) to switch back and forth.

Windows Vista

  1. Click "Start" (bottom left on screen)

  2. Click "Control Panel"

  3. Click "Clock Language and Region".

  4. Click "Regional and Language options".

  5. Click "Keyboards and Languages".

  6. Click "Change Keyboards 

  7. In "Text Services and Input Languages" click "Add" then scroll down the list to "keyboard" find "United States Dvorak" click OK.

  8. Click down arrow on bar.

  9. Click "US Dvorak".

  10. Click "Apply".

  11. Click "OK".

  12. Click "OK" Regional and Language close.

Switch Instantly between Dvorak and Qwerty in Vista   with 2 mouse clicks on a keyboard icon on the bottom right of your screen, useful for sharing a machine between different users,  using these directions: 

After following above the first time:

  1. Click "Start" (bottom left on screen)

  2. Click "Control Panel"

  3. Click "Clock Language and Region".

  4. Click "Regional and Language options".

  5. Click "Keyboards and Languages".

  6. Click "Change Keyboards 

  7. In "Text Services and Input Languages" click "Language Bar"

  8. Select option of how to show on desktop.

  9. Click "OK" 

Now, by moving the mouse pointer on the bottom right of your screen, a small keyboard icon will appear, click it, and a choice of Dvorak will appear. Click on either United States- Dvorak or English (United States) (qwerty) to switch back and forth.

Apple Macintosh

Mac OS 8.6 and later have Dvorak in the keyboard control panel.

For OS 8.6 - 9.2 

1. Open the keyboard control panel.

2. Click the checkbox for Dvorak - Qwerty to select the keyboard layout.

3. Clicking the options button will allow you to specify keyboard menu shortcuts used to toggle between selected keyboard layouts.

For Mac OS X ( Unix Based)

1. Open system preferences and click International.  

2. Drag the language you want to use to the top of your list and input methods for Dvorak ( If you don't see Dvorak, click edit).

3. Select a text behavior for the script appropriate for Dvorak.

4. To select the keyboard and input methods you use, click the keyboard menu tab. 

5. Now to use keyboard method,  choose it from the keyboard menu (the one with a flag).

Earlier systems have free software available online that will add Dvorak to your control panel.

For system 7 and up, use file DI Dvorak layouts 1.0.1,. For systems earlier than 7, file Electric Dvorak works best. Both are also available from Dvorak International, or at www.cse.ogi.edu/-dylan/dvorak or www.shareware.com.


1.Log in as root.

2.Type kbdconfig, Press enter.

3. Scroll thru list, Choose Ansi dvorak, Press enter.


loadkeys /usr/lib/kbd/keytables/dvorak.map


loadkeys /usr/lib/kbd/keytables/us.map


alias asdf "loadkeys /usr/lib/kbd/keytables/dvorak.map

alias aoeu "loadkeys /usr/lib/kbd/keytables/us.map

Switch keyboards by typing the 4 letters under your left hand. The layout in use decides which alias is invoked.

MS-DOS versions 5.0 through 6.22

A free file is available from Microsoft called the MS-DOS Supplemental Disk. Microsoft, (800) 426-9400, or from Microsoft Download Service at www.microsoft.com. File DOS62SP.EXE

Almost every operating system has a Dvorak conversion.

© 2002 Malcolm Greenway All rights reserved

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