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Resources for Dvorak Keyboard Typing

(Stuff you don’t need yet may want anyway)

Keyboards and Labels etc.

Also More Web Links for Dvorak keyboard

ErgoCanada.com   has DvortyBoards, A quality hardwired keyboard that will switch from Qwerty to Dvorak at the touch of a button, making it useful for different users on the same machine, a ‘dumb’ terminal or a workstation computer, where there is no software support. Is labeled in both Dvorak and Qwerty. Comes with tutorial on disk, ‘Type in 5hr’.  

Fentek Industries Dvorak keyboards and keycap labels www.fentek-ind.com

Hooleon Corp. Keycap overlays, for conversion, keyboards, or lettering for switching back and forth. (800) 937-1337. 411 South 6th St. Cottonwood, AZ 86326 www.hooleon.com

Keytime ‘Learn to type in 1 hour!’ Dvorak training products for two hand, and also single hand layouts, keyboards, conversion software, key stickers, etc. (206) 522-TYPE www.keytime.com

Seminars Group or individual guidance is available to change a whole office or company to the advantages of Dvorak. M. Greenway, E-mail  

Synctronics Custom keyboards for standard Dvorak, right or left hand layouts. (800) 444-5397. 980 Buenos Ave/ Suite C2 San Diego, CA 92110

Dvorak Links

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© 2002 Malcolm Greenway